2023 Outdoor Vendor
Antique Fair & Handmade Craft/Art Sale
May 20 - August 26 - October 7
3 Great Sales!
Save these dates because you don't want to miss out!!
Our 1st outdoor event of 2023 is:
May 20th - Our 1st one of the year!!!
We'll have up to 35 Vendors!!
We've combined 2 events into one day. We traditionally have 2 vendor Antique Fairs and 2 craft/art shows during the summer months - this is our 2nd year of combining these shows together and having 3 full events. For Antique & Vintage seekers: These events are great opportunities for customers to find special items from fellow community members!!! We strive to have locals bringing goodies from their garages, barns, parents houses and all over!!! This is not an event where your going to find a bunch of big antique store setting up with overpriced items...you're going to find great deals here! For Craft & Art seekers: You're gonna love it! This will have handmade craft & art from locals, plus you can visit our other store (500 feet away) called Cleveland Craft Nook! This shop has well over 100 local vendors that make finished crafts and art...at high quality unlike any other store you've been in...it'll be a store that you'll want to come back to on a regular basis. And as an extra bonus, during our May 20th event CLE Market will be set up in the City Green with all their vendors too (This is between both of our stores!!! Such a great short walk for everything)! Our August event is also during North Royalton's Home Days, otherwise known as our city fair...set up right in the City Green. All three events will have extreme heavy traffic - so be ready for selling or buying - depending if your a vendor or a customer!
During these events we block off our parking lot and have our vendors and customers park right across the street at the local Evangelical Christian Church of North Royalton and at the old City Hall parking lot. Our events kick off at 9am and go until 3pm or after. A map at the bottom of this page helps you with event parking details. If you need any handicap assistance, please contact our shop - we can easily help you!
What will you find
at this sale? All sorts of goodies!!
Including: Antiques, Mid-Century Modern, Collectibles, Glassware, Vintage, Furniture, Art, Vintage Toys, Repurposed Items, Retro, and so much more! |
You can electronically Apply and Pay for an
Outside Vendor Event below!!
Fill out an application and email it to us.
Outside Vendor Event below!!
Fill out an application and email it to us.
Step 1: Open the application to the right. Read and fill out page 2. Email it back to us at our regular email address (which is [email protected]).
Step 2: Select which event you want to attend and pay for it.
May 20 August 26 October Date 7
Need to know where you can park? Here is a nice map for you!
Our normal parking lot will be closed off to parking since it will be full with vendors.
Customer Parking is located directly across the shop at the United Methodist Church of NR. They have 2 lots ( a small one close to the street and large one behind the church). Additional customer parking is located at City Hall.
Our normal parking lot will be closed off to parking since it will be full with vendors.
Customer Parking is located directly across the shop at the United Methodist Church of NR. They have 2 lots ( a small one close to the street and large one behind the church). Additional customer parking is located at City Hall.